Emaleigh and Michael

Emaleigh and Michael

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Our First Blog... and First Post

Thought I should create a blog for both of the babies. As some of you know, we already have a site for Emaleigh but I felt as if I was leaving Michael out. He has also accomplished a lot and I wanted to make sure everyone is aware of both of their achievements.

So here we are at almost 9 months (July 10th) of age and I have so much to talk about. What I'll do is start from today and just bring up some milestones that we missed in the past, over the next few posts.

This weekend Emaleigh and Michael celebrated their first fourth of July and had a great time watching the fireworks. By the 3rd viewing they were no longer impressed. We did get a chance to take them both out for a very slow jet ski ride and boat ride. Their new infant life jackets looked huge on them and they looked like the kid from the movie "Christmas Story" but they were safe... yet extremely uncomfortable.

Michael's first tooth started breaking through the gum on Saturday and suprisingly he wasn't as fussy as we would expect. Em is acting like a 3rd tooth is starting to come through. She is chewing on her pacifier sideways. She has both of her bottom teeth.

We did go through a 33 ounce can of formula in 2 days which normally takes about 3.5 days, I think both babies are going through a growth spurt.

So October is only a few months away. We are thinking about the 1 year birthday party and since they are Mickey Mouse babies, I called about a Mickey Mouse 3-D cake, so that's the plan. As for Halloween, Chris wants to dress Em up like Maggie from the Simpsons for Halloween since she ALWAYS has a pacifier in her mouth and her jammies are gowns. I'll just have to find the Maggie hair somewhere and a blue gown, of course. Not sure about Michael, maybe a lion... that'll be cute.

Em is scheduled for surgery on the 13th and My dad and Terry will be in town from 7-29 to 8-5. So it looks like we have a busy summer planned :)


  1. been thinking about how crazy it is that they are almost 1 year old! wow!

    love all the knews on both of them!!

  2. I love seeing their pics and getting updates...keep them coming. Good luck on the 13th -I'll be thinking of ya'll.

    Amy Box ICN @ VBH

  3. I think of ya'll every week! Hope I'm invited to their birthday party with Zoe! The blog is wonderful! Enjoying the news! Happy Summer! Love you guys! Claudine and Zoe
