Emaleigh and Michael

Emaleigh and Michael

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Video and Quick Update

The babies are doing terrific and finally made it to the 20 pound mark. We were able to change out their car seats. I think they LOVE looking forward. I got a bunch of smiles this morning even while they were distracted by NEMO.

Michael is so close to walking, I just dont think he trusts the floor yet. He really could do it if he wanted (he is such a boy). Emaleigh is really starting to look "up", she realized that there are things above her and she wants to touch everything.

Michelle made a video of pictures from the past year which turned out amazing. I am posting a link here and below for you to see: www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdNkWLuVKFM  

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and we will be posting an update soon.

Monday, December 13, 2010

December Update

We had their picture taken with Santa and they did terrific, I thought Michael would cry for sure. He suprised all of us!
Emaleigh and Michael are doing terrific developmentally and we've moved into almost all "toddler food". We're still doing 3 milk bottles a day for Michael and 4 for Emaleigh. We'll eventually move Michael down to 2 and Em down to 3 but we're worried about her calorie intake.

Out of curosity I weighed both babies thinking that they both were over 20 pounds... nope! Michael weights 19.11 and Emaleigh weighs 19.8. She caught him. I guess the powder breakfast mix in her milk is bulking her up. Finally!

I will be posting a few new videos of the babies from this week soon.
  1. Em waving for the first time on camera (sideways)
  2. Em on the Hyannis ferry with her diaper trick
  3. Michael in Storms bed (ugh it's very hairy)
  4. The mommy monster playing with her little monster
  5. Michael finding a new way to walk with his walker.