Emaleigh and Michael

Emaleigh and Michael

Sunday, June 5, 2011

May/June Update

I know, It's been a while for this update but we're doing great! Sorry

Michael and Emaleigh both are talking and talking. I think they are doing very well developmentally. We bought them little four wheelers and they are finally starting to push the button and ride as of yesterday.


We had a nice vacation with our friends Tracey & Matt (they have twins that are 3 weeks older). I have included pictures from that trip.

Both Em and M are still signing away. Michael isn't super interested but he is starting to really talk in sentences. We're not really sure what he is saying but Emaleigh seems to understand :)

We are working on swimming we just haven't had much time with teaching them how to kick and float. Hope to have two little swimmers by the end of the summer.

They both love to swing and blow bubbles. We have kiddie swings on the porch and we go out there often to let them play!

Yesterday Emaleigh climbed their mini play place and went down all by herself, she was so proud. Michael is a little scared on his own, that is only because when climbing he fell a few weeks ago.

Styes... UGH! Michael seems to be having a bunch of problems with allergies and styes. The doctor prescribed some meds and we'll do some allergy testing when he is 3. I think he had 6 or 7 over a two week period. Poor guy, he was miserable in the sunlight.

Eating... Em has been doing better eating but she is still a picky eater, we're working on it and yesterday she sat in her high chair until she ate her hot dogs... I felt bad after watching her because the skin is a little thick on the all beef premium dogs, so she was eating around the skin. She did eat them though.

The  foundation is coming along and we hope to have our 501c3 soon. I have changed the website if you are interested in checking things out (http://www.clovessyndromefoundation.org/)

 We are heading off to Cincinnati to see doctors about Emaleigh. Dr Adams is there and she does a lot of the research for CLOVES symptoms and we will also have the ability to talk to her about Emaleigh's overgrown right buttock and right leg. We hope to get another opinion about surgery on her feet as well. Boston wants to amputate 1/2 of her feet.

I have uploaded two videos, one of Emaleigh and Michael playing in the car, and the other one is our interview with WSET for Children's Miracle Network giving an update! (look in the brown section below for linked videos)

Take Care,