Emaleigh and Michael

Emaleigh and Michael

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A couple of cute Videos

Both Emaleigh and Michael are doing great! I'll post an update soon. I did want to post these video's now!

Michael Snorting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlERH4onv6w
Emmie trying to snap her fingers:

Friday, August 12, 2011

August - Where has the time gone?

We are doing absolutely wonderful. Mr Michael and Miss Emaleigh are growing like weeds and we love to see them grow and learn each day. These babies are our miracles and we cherish every moment!

Let's see - where do we pick up? Michael decided to escape from his crib, right after we lowered it 2 inches. He was sucessful, so within 2 days, they are BOTH in a toddler bed. They LOVE the freedom. I wont lie, the first night was pretty tough, it took about an hour of us going into the room and telling them it's night night time while laying them down in their beds, The next night was 45 minutes, then 35. We're still working on about 30 minutes but the room is safe so they can tucker themselves and fall asleep whereever they want. With that in mind, this is what we have seen this week:

They both are talking up a storm and repeating everything (we're trying to be careful). They are both running through the house and Emmie tries to keep up. Michael can drink milk again, so the allergy is gone thankfully!

Emaleigh has a surgery coming up in April to remove 1/2 of her feet and move tendons. All of the doctors recommend that this is the best thing for her right now. We'll have to manage other symptoms (right now... through surgery) as they become a problem in the future.

I finally caught Emmie on tape dancing again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3wzida4PQc (I'll post it below)

Chris and I have been super busy with the foundation and we hope to start fundraising soon.

With Love,