Emaleigh and Michael

Emaleigh and Michael

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

It's been a busy year and keeping up with this is very hard but I'll just give a run down. Michael and Emaleigh are growing like weeds and are doing amazing developmentally. Their personalities are completely different and we're amazed at how they can have fun together and the next minute yelling at each other. Guess that's normal sibling rivalry.

Emaleigh is thankfully still in remission and we've tried a trial medicine to see if it would help Emaleigh's overgrowth. The medicine kept the overgrowth to a minimum but we've decided to go off of it for now to schedule another orthopedic surgery in November/December. Medically we've been watching in hopes that we wouldn't have to anything but her right foot just keeps growing wider and wider, so we knew it was a matter of time. Shoeing has become a nightmare and we just can't do much, so it's time to act now.

Emaleigh had a Gold Hope Photo Session. The Gold Hope Project is a non-profit org that brings photographers together to offer a free "magical" photo shoot for cancer patients and cancer survivors. Here is the link to some of her pictures: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151750505031119.1073741829.756331118&type=1&l=42e2a02e04

We also just came back from Emaleigh's Make A Wish trip to Disney World where we stayed at Give Kids the World. We all had an amazing time and did not want to come home. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151720257246119.1073741828.756331118&type=1&l=d3216bbd60

Emmie's story was also published in the Richmond Times - http://photo.blogs.timesdispatch.com/the-bravest-little-girl-i-know/

Will try to post another update sooner next time.

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