Emaleigh and Michael

Emaleigh and Michael

Monday, July 19, 2010

She's almost mobile!!!

And the rocking starts...

She's almost there! She should be crawling soon. She is starting to rock.

Emaleigh had a rough week followed by a rough weekend. She had her surgery on Tuesday as you all know, then on Wednesday, she had a cough. I guess like any surgery, they had to intubate her. On Thursday, her side was tender and she winced a little when I moved her. On Friday, they both had shots. They actually handled the shots well. On Saturday, Em had a pretty good fever, 100.5 - 101 (Michael's was about 99.5) and they were both very fussy. Thinking about this now, doing all of this in the same week wasn't a great idea. I'm sure her little body was already trying to heal from the surgery. By Sunday, they were both fine and are doing terrific today.

We purchased  a new area carpet, it looks like it was just in time. Emaleigh is starting to get on her knees and rock. She's still scooting around but I'm so glad to see it, I was worried how she would do since her right leg is bigger but it doesnt appear to be a problem.

Tiffany told me that Michael was rolling everywhere today. He is also drooling a lot. Hmmm... wonder if we'll see another tooth soon.


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