Emaleigh and Michael

Emaleigh and Michael

Friday, July 16, 2010

9 month check up

Today we had our 9 month check up and shots. Michael weighed 15.14 and Em weighed 14.10. Michael has been pulling on his ear the past few days but the doctor looked and he does not have an ear infection.

We had to make and appointment with the urologist for Michael. He couldn't have his circumcision done in the NICU because he was anemic, so they wanted us to wait a year. We're going to shoot for the same day as Em's ultrasound appointment in September or follow up surgery appointment at the end of the month.

After the shots, we did a little shopping and the babies slept and slept. I'm guessing the shots made them tired. All and all, they've been suprisingly pleasant.

Em is doing terrific, she had some oozing from one of the incisions but it all looks ok. I'll keep an eye on it. Not sure when we'll get her in the pool.
The new thing is...
  • Michael is now doing this high pitched squeal, we tell him "no" firmly and he stops, so he is learning "no", pretty well.
  • Em is now cackling pretty loudly. I think she's just trying to get some attention.
Hope you all have a great weekend!

With Love,

1 comment:

  1. They were so cute rolling and playing in the paper on the table at the Dr's office, glad you got some pictures of that.
