Emaleigh and Michael

Emaleigh and Michael

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Blankenship baby update 10/24/10

We have had a another great week. Getting everything together for surgery is finally done and we can take a breather for once. Well kind of! :) Chris and I need to get our desks straight at work. I'm debating on how we will work out housing with Em's surgery. Basically we have a host family that will allow us to stay with them and we were approved for family housing 3 blocks away. I know most of my time will be with Emaleigh in the hospital but I will need to rest as well. Debating on what is going to work best for us. I'm sure the host family house will be much more comfortable!

This week:
  • we had 1 year check-up with shots and flu shots too. Poor Emaleigh had additional RSV shots.
  • Michael started clapping or playing patty cake (The video is below)
  • Michael started shaking his head no (The video is below)
  • Emaleigh started walking with her walker (The video is below)
We're still doing stage 3 food and a few milk bottles a day. Keep in mind Michael and Em have 3 teeth (Em has 3 more breaking through now), so we are worried that they aren't ready for solid food.

Michael weighs 17.8 pounds and he is really eating a lot so we think we are on another growth spurt. Emaleigh  was 17.2 pounds. Dr McCurley told us to wait until the babies are 20 pounds to even think about changing their car seats out.

We are set for Halloween too! Next Monday we ship out with Em, Ashleigh, Victoria and maybe Owen. Michael and Storm (and our other critters) will stay here with Grama and Granpa.

I'm sure that I'm missing something. If so I'll post another update!


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Em and M!!!

We had a terrific party yesterday (even though some made fun of the timing for my agenda) ;) Emaleigh and Michael did wonderful and had a blast. Here are some pics! Thank you, to everyone that helped us celebrate our little miracles! 


Monday, October 4, 2010

Baby Update - 6 day's until Em and M are 1!!!

Emaleigh and Michael are doing terrific. The will be 1 in 6 days!!!

Both are:

*getting around very well and are pretty quick too!
*would rather play on the floor then getting in the bouncers.
*holding their own bottles
*on whole milk - the formula was recalled (because of bug parts) ew...
*teething - they have a bunch of teeth coming in:
            *Em - eye teeth (no front top yet) & bottom
            *M - top right teeth and bottom  
* ready for Halloween
            *Em will be a ladybug
            *M will be a chicken
*doing great gaining weight
            *Em is 16.8 pounds and 26 and 1/2 inches
            *M is 17.9 pounds and 27 and 1/2 inches
*We have the Mickey Mouse cake ordered and ready for pick up on Friday for the birthday party! 

 *babbling and talking up a storm. Mostly DaDa and BaBa (they've already done the MaMa thing)
*We're getting some pictures done on Saturday morning for their year pictures before the party.

On a small surgery note - Everything is almost all set for November 3rd. We just need to schedule the Urology appointment and see if they are willing to do a full body MRI. Now that we know her kidney's are misshapen, we want to make sure all other organs are ok.