Emaleigh and Michael

Emaleigh and Michael

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Michael is walking!!!!

As of yesterday Mr. Michael is walking!!! I tried to get some video footage but he wouldn't cooperate, I'll keep trying. He said "baby" and "ball" this week as well. He is so cute trying to keep his balance. We are so excited for him - knew it wouldnt be long!!

Emaleigh is saying ball, bay bee (my little girl with the southern drawl - thx grama), and many more words... She did almost fall at Tiffany's and said "Woah". I'm waiting to hear that one! Emaleigh is walking like a champ! It's only been a couple of weeks and she is walking... almost running everywhere! I forgot to add: Little Miss Em is so cute when she walks. It's almost like she doesn't know what to do with her arms so she waves them and grabs her head, butt, and/or back. Very Cute

Last night both Em and M kep walking out the play room and I guess making sure we were still there.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Playing with baybee and.... playing catch-up

I heard it!!! Emaleigh said Em Wee and Baybee yesterday. Tiffany and Grama told me she has been saying baybee but I didnt hear it until last night. Emaleigh is almost running now. She is doing terrific with walking.

Off to Boston in the morning for the official MRI results with Dr. Fishman and the CLOVES family gathering. We are so excited to meet some of our CLOVES friends.

Michael is trying to catch up.. He isn't walking yet but he is pushing himself more than ever trying to walk. It wont be long!

Both of these little ones are a little "mommy" clingy lately. Not sure if they are just hitting that stage.

I'll post another update soon!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

February/March Update

Emaleigh and Michael are doing great and growing sooo fast.
Emaleigh has started to walk "officially" as of yesterday. Her shoes came in and I posted some pictures below. She is still working on her two bottom molars but the rest are in. At night she brushes her teeth on her own (tries to... she has the motion). Also check out the 2 new videos below. We had some pictures taken and they turned out great (to the left)

We are heading to Boston next week for the MRI review with Dr. Fishman and a follow-up with Dr Spencer, Em's orthopedic doctor. We are also attending the CLOVES family gathering next weekend and get a chance to meet many families. The CLOVES Syndrome Foundation is coming along and should be up and running soon. 
Michael is starting to speak sentences (we have no idea of what he is saying) it's very cute because he knows what he means even if we dont have a clue! He isn't ready to walk yet but I think he is a little top heavy so when we loses his balance, he falls on his head. He'll get there. All of his molars have been in for a couple of weeks. As far as brushing his teeth, he'd rather suck the toothpaste off of the toothbrush than do anything with his teeth :)
These Sears pics turned out great, we were VERY suprised! The babies were a mess and had a little nap in the morning so they were pretty grumpy before and after!